Hi there! Thanks for checking out the blog section of my website – which I’m starting today with a bit of trepidation. Are blogs a good idea? You betcha, most of the time. Will I be able to make regular posts? AH, that’s the issue.
I’m fortunate to be able to write a weekly column for the Columbia Daily Tribune newspaper called “Web Wise.” The first column appeared in August 2009 and so far the Tribune’s Business Editor seems inclined to let me keep writing!
So I DO have a way to share information and opinion. And I don’t have a great deal of time to write more – after all, I need to actually get some work done for my web design clients too!
So why the blog? A couple of reasons.
First – it’s good for my business and for my website. I’m subject to Google’s rules too, y’know. Relevant content, added regularly will make MY site rank higher. And I’m new enough to Columbia’s web design scene to have my work cut out for me there.
Second – I can’t say everything I want to in the newspaper column. There’s no way to add video or illustrations, for example. The column just isn’t suitable for offering short snippets of advice or info, either – I need to come up with about 700 to 900 words each week.
And I have opinions that should more prudently come from my own website than from another one.
So – how often I post and what exactly I say are still a bit nebulous – but I’m glad you’re here and I hope you find this section useful!